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Updated January 2025

At present we are accepting only selected items, but please email us with anything you think we may be interested in as detailed below

(images are provided for illustration only)

WE DO NOT TAKE: general crockery, tea sets, dinner services, cutlery, figurines, china vases and ornaments of any make, glassware, silver plated items, old telephones, coins, furniture, sewing machines, electrical items of any kind, fabrics, linens, clothes, shoes, handbags, compacts, rugs, clocks, general watches, mechanical items of any kind, general books, magazines and racks, unframed prints, foreign postcards, hunt memorabilia, animal skins, pelts or parts, any broken or damaged items. 

A simple process

Should you have items in these categories that you wish to sell, please email us with a few clear images of the items grouped together. If the items are suitable for our shop we will ask you to bring them in on an agreed date for us to see and assess. Please do not bring items in without arranging a date as we do not have the space to view. We are also not insured to keep items in the shop for viewing

at our leisure.

Please note that we cannot visit you

at your home or storage facility.

Please do not be offended if we say

"no thanks" to your things as we are offered many items for sale. 



We cannot consider any damaged, chipped or broken pieces, or anything that is not included in the categories above. Very importantly, we cannot view anything that your family members have not agreed to sell, or may still be viewing and deciding upon, following a bereavement for example. If you feel that you still have a strong emotional attachment to your items, perhaps following a bereavement or similar, please wait and reflect before

you attempt to sell.

Please also note that Hoptroff & Lee is not a

valuation service. We do not provide valuations or comment on valuations given by another company. Formal valuation depends upon a specialist with training in a particular area of expertise, and you may be charged for such a service. We will always advise you of the best course of action if we feel that you require a professional valuation or that we cannot give you the best price for your items.

We believe in honesty and transparency.


Precious metals require dating and weighing for accuracy and we do this for you at the shop.


If you accept our offer we pay you in cash

and you will receive a receipt.

This is the final transaction agreement.





4, Cheyne Lane,






01780 767447

(during work hours only)




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